Interest in Somerset 180279 *Landrace*
Rene Stud would like to announce that we have purchased an interest in Somerset 180279 *Landrace* sold to Stockdale Stud WA. This Ram has extreme “Double muscling” and scanned 55mm at 110kg. He also has a great set of balanced figures BWT .49 WWT 11.7. PWWT 18.4 PFAT-.4 PEMD 3.0 C+ 227 TCP 152.4
Ripper Rene sire wins supreme White Suffolk
A big volumed ram with the potential to sire heavyweight lambs has given the Mitchell family, Rene stud, Culcairn, NSW, their second successive supreme White Suffolk exhibit title at the Australian Sheep & Wool Show. From 124 entries from Victorian and NSW studs, Rene 036/18 was given the nod by SA judge Andrew Frick, Gypsum Hill stud, Padthaway. He said he admired the length, muscling and tremendous volume of his senior and grand champion ram which elevated it to top spot ahead of
NSW State Sheep Show 2019: Rene returns to win White Suffolks
RETURNING to the mat at the NSW State Sheep Show for the first time since 2008 was the Rene White Suffolk stud who took home most successful exhibitor, among a long list of accolades in the White Suffolk judging. Supreme White Suffolk Exhibit with Grand Champion Ewe Rene 27/18 PUBLIESHED ON 27 May 2019, The Land - link to original article Arewarding decision for the Mitchell family
Rene Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and Charollais studs topped at $7000
Stud Poll Dorset rams topped the annual Rene Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and Charrollais ram sale last Friday at $7000. In the wrap, four of six Poll Dorset stud rams topped at $7000 and averaged $4250, three of six White Suffolk stud rams averaged $3333, while 40 of 66 Dorset flock rams averaged $963, 10 of 43 White Suffolk flock rams topped at $2000 averaged $1270 and 17 of 50 Charrollais rams averaged $859. Henry and Karen Cameron, Athlone Poll Dorset stud, Penshurst,
“Sale Yard Record” at Corowa. Rene lambs sired by Rene Rams at $309.20
“Sale Yard Record” today at Corowa. Rene lambs sired by Rene Rams at $309.20 #renestud #saleyardrecord #corowasales
‘Exceptional’ White Suffolk ewe wins for NSW stud
Culcairn, NSW, based stud, Rene, dominated the White Suffolk judging, winning both the grand champion ram and ewe at the Australian Sheep and Wool Show. Tasmanian judge Chris Badcock, Fairburn stud, said it was a toss of a coin in his supreme deliberation between the two NSW sheep, but said the ewe was an “exceptional animal”. “She is a beautiful type. I love her overall balance and frame, beautiful neck extension and muscling, and being a shorn ewe it is all there to be seen,”