2023 Show Results – Australian Sheep & Wool Show
Interbreed Champion Ewe
Interbreed Champion Ram
Interbreed Reserve Champion Group
Interbreed Champion ASSBA Group

Introducing our newest Sire Detpa Grove “Roadmap” 200182
we purchased for a sale top of $24,000, selected for his exceptional muscling in his hind legs, great bone structure & balance complemented with huge figures we think he’ll be a great addition to Rene Stud

As you may remember at Rene Stud we were conducting a Trial using maiden merino ewes joined to charollais rams.
Due to their growing popularity especially with maiden ewes we thought we would see for ourselves how they would perform.
Our aim was to lamb maiden ewes out unassisted & take the lambs through to kill weight and then finally see how they kill out at the abattoir & assess our results.
Lamb To Carcass Trial
To our valid clients, As you may remember here at Rene Stud we were conducting a trial using maiden merino ewes joined to Charollais Rams, due to their growing popularity especially with maiden ewes we thought we would see for ourselves how they would perform. Our aim was to lamb maiden ewes out unassisted & take the lambs through to kill weight, and then finally see how they kill out at the abattoir & assess our results. We have tagged the lambs with electronic tags so that we can accurately monitor their weight gains. The details of the trial are below: Purchased

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White Suffolks

Poll Dorsets


Rene Stud comprises of 3 breeds- Poll Dorsets,White Suffolks & Charollais.
Rene Poll Dorset Stud was founded in 1980 using selected ewes from our Dorset Horn Stud giving us a base of consistent quality and type to build a solid Dorset foundation for the Poll Dorset Stud.
Our aim is to continually improve performance on the base of structurally sound females producing high quality rams to Prime Lamb producers and sound Seed-Stock to the Stud industry. The stud progressed using the best genetics available in Australia. This has been helped with the continuous use of Artificial Insemination programs and embryo transplanting.
A continuous effort has been made to compare our progress with other Studs by competing at major Shows across the country with impressive records of numerous show champions.

2023 Sheepvention – Hamilton & Western District Sheep Show
Charollais Interbreed Champion ASSBA Group

2023 Sheepvention – Hamilton & Western District Sheep Show
Poll Dorsets Interbreed Champion Ewe Interbreed Champion Ram Interbreed Reserve Champion Group

2023 Sheepvention – Hamilton & Western District Sheep Show
Poll Dorsets Interbreed Champion Ewe Interbreed Champion Ram Interbreed Reserve Champion Group